Friday, December 23, 2011

Holiday time is here!

I always enjoy seeing and spending time with family over the holidays.  I'm a little sad that I live so far away from so many dear friends, however.  So today - my beloved readers are in for a rare treat.  One they have not seen in quite some time.  What's that, you ask?  (a small digression first.... my DH described my blog as"playful" - and I think one of the reasons why is this type of question - followed by a digression before the answer.  At least, that is what I will continue to think!)

The answer?  This blog will include words (the usual whatever is on my mind) and pictures, both!

This year, we decided to open family Christmas presents before heading out of town.  Here is Kiddo, opening his favorite toy - - which nearly prevented him from opening anything else he got from Mom and Dad - a"Race Car"! Daddy knows best!
Speaking of Daddy... Kiddo and his daddy, chilling out...

 My BIL with his 3 boys, out in the pasture... feeding the cows...

I was also "helping" with the feeding of the cows.  No worries, despite how it looks, that is not my water breaking!

Kiddo loves puppies.  This guy, Raffin, is especially fun because he can spend hours and hours playing ball - and he even drops the ball for you!

 Yeah, I'm pregnant.  Really pregnant.  In fact, 32 weeks.  I'm also showing, can you tell?  I'm going to attempt to post about being pregnant without mentioning to you all the miserable and horrible things that go with it.  Doh!  Another failure.  At least this time it was brief.  And only 7 or so more weeks to go.. 
 Mimic Grandma, pretending to be a snake?  Why, of course!
Kiddo with his cousins, uncle, and Grandpa. Kiddo wasn't in on the "strategy" part or the actual game play, but I'm sure he wasn't quite able to tell the difference!

I hope you enjoy the season - and spending time with your family!  I also hope to post again soon - perhaps with even more pictures!

Love: Family
Hope: Remainder of adventure is relatively tame
Do: Get moving today!
Number: 2912 - the four digits that were recently transposed to 2192 and I did not notice (and yet somehow, a few hours later, the number is still stuck in my mind!)