Monday, December 26, 2011

Some Days...

Some days, I can easily let things go.  Other days, I brew.

Unfortunately - for some reason - this week I am brewing and stewing and letting something get to me (that likely shouldn't). 

So, for Christmas, I got a "book of AWESOME."  It's a really cool book that has the "positive" attitude that I try to maintain.  As an extra bonus, it seems like it should be a highly bloggable book.  On a day like today, it seems appropriate to pull it out since I need a pick-me-up.

So.... I share with you my first (of many? time will tell..) glimpse of the "AWESOME" book.  After the book excerpt... I'll share a personal "awesome" for the day.

From the book: the first page I flipped to:  Giving babies high-fives.  They never let you down, and they never "psych" you out.

From my day:  Easy-breezy bedtimes.  I tell Kiddo it's bedtime, and he gets up to head to his room (only turning back, at my request, to give out goodnight hugs and kisses).  Then a book, and no tears, and bedtime is done.  Yep, AWESOME.

Love:  Sweets.  Of any kind.  But today, pumpkin pie with whipped cream and chocolate/caramel popcorn come to mind.
Hope:  I can just "let it go" (that is, the thing I am stewing about...)
Do: Get some shopping in over the next few days (or go crazy... however, I choose shopping!)
Number: 7