Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Lost Socks

I keep a "sock graveyard."  This is where all my mismatched socks go until their mate can be located.

Recently, I discovered that there is a holiday - today, in fact - for socks.

Today - May 9th - is the day of the Lost Sock Memorial.

Those socks that have been lingering in the sock drawer, unmatched, finally will find their ultimate resting place.  The trash can, the "circular" file, or whatever else you may call the garbage.  This post isn't for those pairs of socks.

This post is for that sock that has been missing it's mate for nearly a year where the matching sock is discovered!  Perhaps it was behind the dryer, or inside the sofa... but it's that pair of socks that finally are reunited once again.

Matching socks - Awesome!