Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Do you Yelp?

One of the cool sites I've been getting the hang of and using lately is Yelp.

I've done a few reviews on there now.  Most recently, for cupcakes.

Cupcakes seem to be the "in" thing.  I had a Groupon for a local bakery, so I tried them.

It was a bit of a fiasco to get them... and we have way too many.. but they taste pretty good.  It just seems they are never ending- even after we gave several to some friends!

And a coworker also got cupcakes for her son's birthday, which was also a fiasco.

So my advice is:  If your son is having a birthday, don't get him cupcakes.  At least for me and my friend from work - it means the birthday will not turn out like you expect.

Of course... maybe that's just what it means to have kids, period.  That nothing will quite meet your expectations...