Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Birds & Bunnies & Squirrels - Oh my!

To look at the dogs, chilling on the sofa, you wouldn't think they could possibly ever do anything wrong.
And is you really think that- boy, do they ever have you fooled!
Recently, we finished our first major "new house" project - - we installed a fence. The upside is that the dogs can now run free and do as they please! The downside? The dogs can now run free and do as they please!
It's a bit more difficult to get them to come inside since they now have this huge territory to explore!
And they are at one with nature. This morning, my husband sent a report that they caught a bunny. He said, "I had to pull it out of both of their mouths - but it appeared to still be alive, so I released it in the front yard."
When dogs catch animals, they are so full of themselves. They are very proud. They bring you their catch like now they can give YOU dinner. (No wild birds, bunnies, or squirrels are on the "approved for pregnant women" list, as far as I know.) From being around dogs often - including my Kobe for 9 years now - I have seen this before. When we had a dog door, I came home in Texas one day to find a bird (dead) on the living room for. Kobe wanted to share his "catch" with me. And once in agility, a Weimreiner caught a baby bunny. It was dead enough that the trainer (whose dogs are more accustomed to eating "raw" - bones and all) released her dogs to come "clean up" the mess.
As for this morning's recent Bunny experience, I can honestly say that I am glad that I was not the one pulling said bunny out of dog mouth.
So where do the squirrels fit in?
Well, that is one of the biggest reasons for installing the fence! And one reason why the dogs (especially the one who has climbed fences to chase squirrels - Miss Katie Girl) can not yet be completely trusted to be outside, even with the fence, without some degree of adult supervision.