Thursday, July 2, 2009

Irrational Emotions

These days, it seems that ordinary events I used to be able to "deal" with have become much bigger issues. Suddenly, you've got a downward spiral. I'm upset about something - - but then, because of who I am, I'm even more upset that I'm upset because even though I am upset, I can recognize that I am being irrational!

Example 1:
After we got back from Europe, I really wanted to catch up on laundry. Not just the clothes we took with us, but also all the sheets/towels/etc that were used for packing purposes and were strewn about the house. So, I spent a Saturday doing 7-8 loads of laundry, and then spent an hour or two on Sunday going through everything and folding, hanging, etc.

I got to the end of the laundry - - - and I couldn't find the one pair of Maternity shorts that I can comfortably wear. I'm not sure why this upset me so much - - but it did. I think I must have cried for 30 minutes - - - even though my wonderful husband found the shorts within 15 minutes of me being upset about it!

Example 2:
This morning at work, I was putting together some information for my boss. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, and just beyond my water glass was a roach, crawling on my desk, and twice the size of my thumb. I shrieked... looked back... and then left my office. By the time the "exterminator" (facilities person) got downstairs, another coworker had taken the liberty of removing said roach for me. It was pretty simple for her to take outside, too - - since it was ON my water glass.

Now mind you, I'm not the squeamish person around bugs, normally. Just yesterday, I removed a spider from the wall in my office. And on a relatively regular basis, I'll stomp on something in the ladies restroom. This episode, however, had me more than just a little freaked out. After the shock wore off, the crying began. Luckily it was only a few minutes before I could garner control of myself (while at the office, mind you) and return to my desk to... work a little.... and then update my blog.

I guess I'm just preparing for figuring out who this new "me" will be after I add "mom" to my responsibilities. Hopefully this emotion thing can get a little bit more under control!