Monday, July 27, 2009

I get the worm!

If the early bird gets the worm, then I get the worm!

My pattern of being up before the crack of dawn started when I was very young. I remember my mom walking past my room when I was in elementary school and turning the light on - - and I would promptly call back to her, "I'm up!"

In middle school and high school, computer time around our house was precious! The only way I would get mine was to go to bed early, and then wake up early to play online. I also have always enjoyed taking the first shower. Some days, even before the sun is up, it's nice just to enjoy the peace of the birds outside - and the quiet of an as-of-yet undisturbed house.

In College, my "early bird" was taken advantage of when I was on the crew team. I was the coxswain, and had to be the one with the most energy for our 5am practice. We'd always joke that we did more before 8am than most people did all day long! With a team of 20-30 people at any given time, the only way our schedules would match up would be to have the 5-7am practice.

Even as an adult, I've always taken the "early" shift. Starting work at 7am. Being the first up in the house (even before the dogs on most days). While training for marathons, even running first thing in the morning before getting ready for work.

I enjoy mornings. I've always had the best energy early in the morning - - and I'm not one of those people who need coffee or a shower in order to "get going." I guess I've never had a bed with a "wrong side" - - or at least, I don't recall the last time I got up on the "wrong side" of the bed!