Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Awesome is the word that I think most aptly describes Mother Nature.

This Saturday, tornadoes moved through our area, and I had a huge smile on my face.

First, let me state that I mean no disrespect for those who have lost their homes, cars, or even loved ones in the recent storms. It can be a devastating loss.

However, I also believe that the storms bring about a certain level of humility. One person is not that powerful. To me, there is just something miraculous about nature and natural events.

Growing up in Kansas, I lived through my share of tornadoes. I remember our tornado drills in school, and the tornado sirens that "tested" every Monday at noon. I have very fond memories of time spent in tornado shelters at Girl Scout camp, singing songs to help the time pass. I remember, in particular, one storm that blew over while we had a campfire that we had used to cook dinner. After the storm passed, the fire was still going - and I got to stay up and help put it out.

So, please forgive me for smiling big as the storm passed by. It is not often, as an adult, I have had the (regularly occurring) opportunity to hear the words, "take cover" - since I have not lived in the Midwest for 16 years now. The opportunity to go stand outside and watch to see if you could see the storm. There is something about tornados, specifically, that reminds me not of destruction, but of life. I am, indeed, a very fortunate person. I have once again been humbled by Mother Nature - and if she is listening - Thank you.

In other news, I'm changing up my "steps" in my end-note. I've decided to make this something slightly more generic, but something that suits me similarly to the Love/Hope/Do. It will now be... are you ready for this?.... Numbers!

Love: Mother Nature providing me with a dose of humility in the recent tornado
Hope: Those who have suffered are able to recover - and to be thankful for what they did not lose in the storm.
Do: Start a new blog trend tonight!
Numbers: Kiddo's 18 month checkup - 30th percentile weight, 51st percentile height, 54th percentile head