Friday, April 22, 2011

A day...

It was nice to have the day off today. I got to spend the whole day with Kiddo!

We made Rice Krispie treats (Kiddo LOVES marshmallows and will cry when he doesn't get as many as he wants!), Jello Jiggler easter eggs, and I boiled eggs for what will hopefully be an egg-dying adventure tomorrow! Must get vinegar.

We walked around the mall, and met DH for lunch. I managed to get some study time in, and a few things picked up (although not nearly enough) as well as some laundry done after taking a weekend off from laundry.

All in all, not a bad day. The most memorable part, however, was a tantrum. Before dinner, kiddo was in a "mood." Mid-tantrum, he stopped crying, waved and said "Hi", and then went right back into it. Perhaps I shouldn't laugh - but it was very funny, indeed.

Love: Days I spend with Kiddo.
Hope: My life becomes more normal after my test
Do: More cleaning tomorrow!
Numbers: 2 weekends before the test...