Saturday, April 16, 2011


Kiddo is starting to talk more consistently. When he wants to "engage" and play a game, he usually starts with pointing to his nose and saying, aptly, "nose." He knows plenty of other things too - and I'm very glad that he's starting to use words we understand relatively regularly!

Oh - and in case you don't have kids and/or didn't know - having a kid means more trips to the doctor.

And Kiddo is 18 months old - exactly - today - time flies!

My head is full of random thoughts - and yet, I should be studying. We're (finally) in the last stretch - and I did make it to a cafe for studying this morning, so I feel at least a bit better about that.

What else is news around our house? Not much. Dog is still on leash-only outdoors, and hasn't yet figured out that she must also pee/poo on leash!

DH made an awesome - and yet very simple - dinner this evening consisting of ribs, corn on the cobs, beans, and biscuits.

Love: DH's dinner and support today - watching kiddo while I studied, cleaning the kitchen, etc
Hope: The weather isn't quite as crazy tomorrow. Tornadoes in North Carolina? Who knew!
Do: Get my butt back to the books!
Steps: 12,377 - at least something is working for me today! That, and pair #2 of pre-baby pants are off the shelf and actually fit today! Of course - they were the 2nd pair I pulled down. The first pair are still too tight and wouldn't fit around my waist!