Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Autobiography - in brief

Blogger Challenge: Write a "Power Sentence" for each year of your life.


1977 - I guess this isn't Samuel Richard after all - we'll name her Rebecca Rachelle!
1978 - A beginning to the love-affair with teddy bears: a first bear named Jenny.
1979 - I'll always remember my "right" - now that I have a third degree popcorn-oil burn on my right arm!
1980 - Finally, a Samuel Richard - also known as my little brother!
1981 - As the Counselors compared slit-wrist scars and other suicide attempt stories at Campfire Camp, I learned about suicide.


1982 - Mrs. Richardson taught us all kindergarten - from my dad to my sister, me, and later my brother; however, I was only in the class part of the year as I went to Lake Stickney Elementary in Seattle for a few months (or was it weeks?).
1983 - Who knew Girl Scout Camp Little House, complete with giant's bathtub, witch's castle, and fairy bridge in the Magic Forest, was so much fun?!
1984 - When even grades, like "playground wars" with my friend Kristy in second grade, begin to include some sort of "fight" (more like argument or disagreement in retrospect).
1985 - One of my most easily forgotten years, but also my first overnight camp with Girl Scouts.
1986 - I walked to school with a temperature of 102 - because I didn't want to miss music class!
1987 - And so begins accelerated math (and my first and only drag of a cigarette- yuck!).
1988 - In my last year of elementary school, I played a cello duet with my teacher (who happened to play cello for the Wichita symphony.)


1989 - My first locker (next to Shontae), my first "study hall" class, and my first year at Curtis middle school.
1990 - A high school teacher, in his last year of retirement, pulled me aside one day and wrote the word "Actuary" on a piece of paper; Although still in middle school, I walked to high school for Geometry class and got my only "B" on my high school transcript.
1991 - The Seago's created their own BBS (Bulletin Board System)- appropriately named, "The Asylum".
1992 - After a first "date" on a tennis court, my first serious relationship began.
1993 - I travelled alone to Boulder, Colorado for a Girl Scout Wider Op in this year - and also got mono and was admitted into the hospital literally hours after my favorite grandmother passed away.
1994 - Connections are good for jobs- my first "real" job was at KU Med School, working for an AIDS research doctor; Not to be over-shadowed by a very memorable trip to New York with my father, where I found the perfect dress for senior prom!


1995 - Some years are truly life changing - after graduating from high school, I moved to Des Moines, Iowa to major in Actuarial Science at Drake University - and to be coxswain for the crew team!
1996 - One actuarial exam down - - not yet counting the ones left to go!
1997 - Principal Financial Group Scholar meant not only half-tuition and room & board scholarship, but also an Actuarial internship (and retiring from the crew team)!
1998 - Another internship for the summer - this one in St Louis - and completion of college with two degrees by December!


1999 - Another pivotal year began with working in the Girl Scout Office, getting married, moving to Texas, and working for Governor Bush at the Texas Department of Insurance!
2000 - We bought a house!
2001 - Two acquisitions that would endure: a new puppy, Kobe, plus my new Camry!
2002 - A phone call and a quick search led to a new job at Texas Mutual!
2003 - Months of training in both obedience and agility led Kobe and I to begin the Agility Show Circuit!
2004 - Another year of more-of-the-same, with some travel including Big Bend and Vegas.
2005 - A 30th birthday surprise for my husband-- a trip to Coloardo for primitive camping including horse packing, rafting, a shovel for a toilet and a snow bank for a cooler!


2006 - A year of change: a divorce, an actuarial designation (Associate of Casualty Actuarial Society), and travelling solo to Boston and San Francisco!
2007 - Completion of my "divorce recovery program" - including running in my first Marathon and travelling abroad for the first time to London and Paris!
2008 - The ending of my autobiography previously titled "My Life Up and Down I-35" with a move to North Carolina with my soon-to-be-husband!


2009 - Another year of major changes - my father passed away, Kobe had back surgery, we bought a house, and the long-anticipated birth of my first kiddo!
2010 - Motherhood begins in full force, and I learn that even if skiing is something I should "theoretically" like, it is definitely not for me!
2011 - More travel and anticipation of our 2nd kiddo!


Love: LIFE! Family. Travel.
Hope: Many more years are one day added to the above!
Do: One day - turn a few "power sentences" into a complete book!
Number: 34 - for the number of years for which I am grateful in my life thus far.