Saturday, September 17, 2011

More thoughts re: Autobiography

Recently, I posted a "power sentence for each year" of my life. As I continue to reflect and deliberate this topic (for some reason, I can't let it go!), I've realized that there are many elements of my life that were inadequately captured. Although I may have said a lot, I feel like I revealed only a little.

What does a "Power Sentence for each year of your life" not capture as an autobiography? Just a few of the things that come to mind: Relationships and Ideals and Emotions and Growth

From sentence to sentence, my focus was somewhat directed to "what" as opposed to who and how and why. Thus, the essence of who I am - my personality and values - were more "flat" than I would have preferred.

Here are a few examples and additional tidbits that hopefully add a little more insight:
I was never innately a leader. Although I would join in various activities (at the prompting of friends and family), it took a long time for me to have the confidence to reach out - and to initiate anything! For example - if it weren't for Tracy (elementary school) and Jamie (middle and high school) and Rachel (college), I would likely not have been as active in the various church families and youth groups that nurtured me from about age 6 to 21.

Through my church involvement, I learned to love the sense of community. I also built up courage and confidence to be able to outreach, even to do things as small as inviting others over for dinner. Perhaps that sounds odd - but the courage and confidence definitely did not come easily to me through college! Although I no longer have a church family/community I consider "home" - the spirtuality and sense of fellowship and community that church-life taught me continues to have a significant role in who I am today. In Austin, "family" was the many close friends who followed a similar migration path from Kansas to Texas. In North Carolina, I continue to build my network - - but it has begun to include several friends and fellow parents.

From my autobiography "in brief," you probably could not determine that although I am not very political, there are a few political topics where I have strong opinions... such as gay marriage and abortion and free will. I'm an advocate of individuals being able to make their own decisions (choices), and of all individuals being able to enjoy the benefits, rewards and consequences of those decisions.

I hope my regular blog readers (and those who know me outside my blog) see me as a positive person... but a "power sentence for every year" certainly doesn't capture that as one of my values. I believe you choose your attitude.

Certainly, from the sentences and tidbits posted, nobody would ascertain the fact that I cry. Sometimes a lot. In some situations, I have a (much!) more difficult time than the average person - for example, doctor visits, performance reviews, and even talking to Kiddo's daycare teachers! Although even I realize that it is totally senseless, I accept that it is a part of who I am.

Plenty of big/significant events didn't make the Autobiography! For example, my 30th birthday party consisted of a Pantless Weenie Roast. It was awesome - hot dogs and togas and bath robes (but no pants!).

I'm also a big nerd. My DH received a "billion second" party when he turned 1 billion seconds old - complete with a gift of one-billion grains of sand!

Many of my most significant relationships - My mother, my ex-husband, my current husband - received barely a mention (if at all). Even in a short blog post such as this one, I feel no matter what I could muster in a short time period would never be nearly enough to capture how these people have significantly influenced my life. Not to mention the many friends who have meant so much to me!

So perhaps the next post will be a bit lighter, and not as reflective. Who knows... maybe my autobiography will one be published as selected blog posts made over the years, including the light stories and tidbits of what happens during the in-between!

Love: My DH - for allowing me the time I need to refresh and replenish!
Hope: The rest of the day is as relaxing as the early part was productive!
Do: Crack open a book...
Number: 5 - for the number of tea samples I had today - DELICIOUS!