Friday, September 2, 2011

Bloggable Day...

It seems today has been one for inspiring blogs! I don't know where to start....

but hopefully, the end-result of the day is more than this "random thoughts" blog, but also a few additional blogs of substance - with topics to be announced. Maybe even later this weekend, if I'm feeling ambitious!

When I got home from work/daycare/haircut, I was miss chatty this afternoon! I'm not like that every day - or even often - but it seems today was one for telling DH about the people from Austin in the salon - and the preggers woman who was due 2 days after us!

Then, playing on facebook, I got to recall the beaver song. Even looked up a rendition or two on youtube! Something about a beaver moon. Maybe I should google that, also.

The haircut I got reminds me of a haircut I got when I was pregnant with Kiddo. Maybe it's my "pregnancy" haircut - if a girl can have such a thing. Bizarre that it turns out that way, I suppose!

Upstairs, it's the weekend for sorting through the game closet. Do we need two boggle games? Probably not. Should we keep the scrabble game that is missing a tile? We'll never play it! Of course - perhaps I should keep the spare tiles in my crafting supplies - I'm sure they would be fun for something in the future!

I pulled out the "Kobe" ribbon pile - and Kiddo had so much fun! The thing about dog shows - as all my agility friends will attest - is that you get plenty of ribbons! For some reason, I haven't parted with mine - yet. I think this weekend, after Kiddo's had his fun, they will make the "trash" pile. Lots of other stuff to clean out from that closet this weekend. Let's do hope we make progress!

And in other exciting news... and only thanks to DH's help... I won a million dollars! In a facebook game, anyway. I'm not sure I'd want to risk (whatever I would have to risk - even if it is a $1 lottery ticket) to win a million dollars in real life. Sounds dumb, I suppose, but I guess that's how I roll.

I finished one of my favorite beverages today (white/peach honest tea), and the quote made it into my new email signature line!

That's the randomness that won't make it's own blog topic later this week (if I'm ambitious enough)... Hope you've enjoyed the insight into a crazy day in my life!

Love: Mindless thoughts and quotes that make their way into my blog.
Number: 6. Yesterday, I was wrong. I couldn't count correctly. My conscious requires that I admit that I used 6 stamps yesterday, and not 5 as I originally posted. (it was 5 that was used earlier in the week. Perhaps the next blog number will be 11 - for the total number of stamps. Amazing how you can milk something like this for an indefinite period of time..)
Do: Plug the computer back in before it shuts down on me!
Hope: My remaining thoughts of the day make their way into blogs soon!