Sunday, September 4, 2011

More dreams...

A coworker of mine (who has worked in the office for over 25 years) was pregnant a few nights ago.

Last night, I was in my first wreck (or so goes the dream..) in the new car. With a person who was trying to make the last flight of the evening to mexico. And when we left our vehicles to go around to the front of the swim center (I'm not sure why we did that), a red tubaca pacific hatchback (it's a kind of car in my dream) with no license plate left with all of the tires from the car I hit, and managed to get 3 of mine.

Maybe if I hadn't have been in bed by 8:15, I would have been up before I had a chance on last night's crazy dreams...

Is there an old wise tale about dreams and baby gender?

Do: Research on dreams and baby gender
Hope: an accident is not in my near future - particularly one that I can prevent!
Love: quiet mornings at my house.
Number: 7 - for the total number of tires the red hatchback made off with!