Friday, February 26, 2010


Okay, not the animal... (and yes, I realize it's spelled "wrong") - - but my voice is hoarse!

No other symptoms of anything, just a random voice outage. I sound like a man. When I can sound at all.

I've never had just the voice go out. And for some reason, eating lunch today kept making me cough.

I went to an exercise class today at work - admittedly, it was a bit weird. There was another new mom in there- had her baby boy (her first) on Nov 2nd! It's always fun to chat a bit with other moms- particularly the first time moms with kiddos about the same age.

They also changed the display at daycare, and Mark's picture is up twice! Once for him talking, and once because another baby is sharing a toy with him. So sweet.

Today: I'm thankful that even if I can't talk, I can still blog!