Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Scattered Thoughts, Again...

Another missed day! Sorry to my most faithful followers.

Baby was 4 months old yesterday, and he has his official appointment and weigh in tomorrow (Thurs)!

Over our homemade valentine's dinner, DH asked if I felt like a mommy yet. I guess the feeling comes and goes. On Monday, I was feeling like a mommy - - but for reasons only marginally related to the kiddo, directly. Laundry, for example, is more difficult. There is more to do. And in the past, I could spend an afternoon getting a project done! That same type of project now seems like it takes me 3 days to complete, instead of just 1 afternoon. I have been overwhelmed the last day or so. Lots to do, and time flies by me without me getting some things done that need to be done (like studying and exercising, which unfortunately seem like they are typically two of the first things to go by the wayside.) I'm sure most people can relate. Even the dishes seem to pile up - - and even though I'm breastfeeding, there are bottles to be washed every day for daycare.

Speaking of Nursing...

After reading some articles online, I decided to try something different at work and during the day. Instead of pumping 3 times, I started pumping only twice (for longer). It makes a huge difference, to me. It means I can go out to lunch without worrying about the need to pump at lunchtime, and makes me feel just a teensy bit more human. It means I only have to wash my "equipment" twice a day, instead of three times. And at the end of the day, I've expressed about the same amount of milk. Lately, I've even been getting a tad more so that we can start feeding kiddo real food in earnest, one day. (Mixing rice cereal with breastmilk.) The frequency thing only works sometimes, though. Because of a mid-afternoon meeting today, I had to pump around it - and wound up having to pump 3 times even though daycare only needed 2 bottles. ick!

And speaking of rice cereal...
Last night, we did another attempt at real food (rice cereal). It went in just fine. And sat in his mouth. And then got spit out. Every spoonful. The last attempt (meaning, when we tried to feed him a week ago) he seemed to swallow more. One of these days, maybe we'll be consistent with it. That is definitely one of the things we'll be asking the doctor about.

And on to a couple of my favorite things about February. First of all, when you are paid monthly, or twice-monthly, you seem to have more in February because there are fewer days! It's also the month that typically we finish a tax returns - which sometimes means money back from the government. Even though I typically use the money to payoff a mounting credit card bill, it always seems to me a little like a financial clean slate.

Today, I'm thankful for pacifiers (aka binkies). Kiddo has been a bit dependent on them, lately!