Thursday, March 18, 2010


In a picture, this describes my skiing trip. Well, that or just a picture of the boots!

For me - five pairs of boots later - skiing was pretty much a bust, and I wound up staying in the Condo most of the time (minus a meal on the top of the mountain and an hour of shopping).

Luckily, the hubby had fun!

The "teen" days of March are filled with mini-holidays, making a whole holiday week!

3/13 - Brother's birthday (can't believe he is 30!)
3/14 - Pi Day (3.14159...)
3/15 - Ides of March
3/16 - Seth's birthday (and Mark turned 5 months!)
3/17 - St Patrick's Day

It's now 3/18, and I'm glad to be home. Dogs are home. Baby home. Hubby home.

Going to go study - - since I'm behind!

Today: It's good to be home!