Wednesday, April 28, 2010

4 years...

It's been nearly 4 years since I met my DH. But that isn't what makes me think of 4 years today. You see, at 4 years old, Mark and I can be a mini-muddy-buddy team.

I've already been a Muddy-Buddy to my DH. But for some reason - just the crawling through the mud part without the 6 miles of biking and running - is something I am looking forward to.

What is it with me and mud? I don't like bugs. Or snakes, all that much.

I don't know what it is with me and mud - but I will be asking Mark, about 4 years from now, if he'll be my mini-muddy-buddy.

How's that for a random post today? ;)

Do: Get off the computer!
Hope: I don't have to fix dinner.
Love: Studying! I wish.