Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Drake Alum...

Some days, I'm particularly proud of my alma-mater. Today is one of them, as Drake made the news again... that is... the "weird" news.

Every year in Des Moines, there is a "most beautiful bulldog" contest (since Drake's mascot is the bulldog).

This year's winner? Meatball. A shout-out on the news also mentioned the one from the furthest away - from nearby me in South Carolina!

Every year brings another bulldog. And even though I lived in Des Moines and went to school at Drake, I think I only ever met one of the bulldogs.

Love: Drake in the Weird News
Do: Did a project at work today where I got to calculate- was a lot of fun!! Reminded me why I became an actuary.
Hope: I get some study time at work this week. Although tomorrow, it's a Wii bowling tournament!