Monday, April 26, 2010

6 month checkup

Mark's 6 month checkup was today! I felt brave - I took him to see a male doctor (the first male doctor I've seen in years!) - and it went okay!

He's in the 75th percentile for head, weight, and height. 27.25 inches and 19 lbs 6 oz. Funny enough, he was 19 lbs and 6 oz the last time we were in (for his thrush a week or so ago)...

All is well, though. He finished with the doctor, and fell asleep on the table before the nurse came in with his shots. She tried moving him, and putting something in his mouth, and he didn't want to wake up. She asked if she could just go ahead with the shot, and I said I saw no reason why not... what an awful way to wake up! He fussed a minute or two and was over with it. 3 shots total and one thing in the mouth. Doc says no shots at 9 month check, but they do draw blood. DH says if it involves a needle, he considers it a shot.

Love: That baby got a clean bill of health at his checkup, and I survived a male doc!
Hope: Bedtime tonight goes better than bedtime last night.
Do: need to get some studying in this week. we're in the single digit count down!