Sunday, January 9, 2011


After being cooped up inside this morning, we decided to head to the park! It was 31 degrees... Brrr!

As we walked onto the playground, we thought at first that we were the only brave soles outside - - but soon another family (without their hats/gloves) came tromping through, with a camera.

We didn't stay long- and we got a major fit as we left - but all-in-all, it was a nice family outing.

To top it off, I've had a good day of studying (making good progress), a great day with family, a homemade quiche, and a couple of rooms in the house managed to get clean.

The last 2-3 weeks have also been movie-catch-up time! After going 2 or 3 months without seeing a movie, I've seen Harry Potter, Tron, Inception, and How do You Know! It's interesting how movies used to be such a standard part of my life - watching a minimum of two a week, and often three or four - to something that I see only occasionally. I guess it makes me feel grown up!

Love: Weekends.
Hope: My knee decides to stop bugging me and behave!
Do: Finish another chapter!
Weather: It's not supposed to get out of the 30s until next weekend!