Friday, January 14, 2011

Lots o' stories!

Has it really been 3 days since I last posted?

Today will be a mismatch listing of stories!!

DH did allergy testing. He's allergic to grass (no more lawn mowing?), cats (but luckily, not dogs), and mold - but no allergies to cockroaches. I guess this means he can be an exterminator but not a lawn care specialist or house-keeper!

On another note... Kiddo, since the first of the year, has been walking out of daycare with me (in other words, I am no longer carrying him out). He wasn't sure about the transition at first... but now, he's walking over to his coat as soon as he sees me, and then walking himself out! It's very cute, and I like that he has a little independence. He's also giving very slobbery kisses, and has been giving good hugs lately! One day, he'll learn what is (and what is not) an uh-oh. I'll post another picture soon.

Another kiddo story... he has learned that if he points to our TV/stereo system and dances, that mommy understands that he wants to listen to music! Another very sweet little-bit of communication. It's amazing the things you can "say" without words - and I feel like I am learning all over again! I'm trying to teach him the sign for music. We'll see if that takes!

Hard to believe I'm another year older today - and I got birthday wishes from more than 50 people total! I still had to work, but DH did make me fish for dinner (which was yummy)! This weekend, I "get" to catch up on studying - and hopefully, the weather will be nice enough that I can squeeze in a run!

So that's what's new and shakin'. I'll be glad when all the ice on the back porch melts!

Love: Chillin' at home on a Friday night, spending time with the hubs!
Hope: Kiddo's latest "cold" is short-lived.
Do: Pet the dogs, thankful that DH is not allergic!