Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bedtime, Books...

I love bedtime. One of the reasons is that typically, I get to read really fun books to Kiddo before I tuck him into bed. For some reason, it just makes me happy to "neigh" with the horse or "Arrooof!" with the dog in the story. Boynton's books are currently my favorite, and there are a few we don't yet have!

Maybe by the time Mark is 2, and I've got all the books memorized, I won't enjoy it as much. However... I secretly look forward to the time that Mark can "act out" the "promenade two by two" or "Jammie to the Left" along with the book.

In the meantime, it brings out the "kid" in me. Not that I need any help, I suppose. I seem to find a way for the "kid" to come out regardless of whether I'm at work (and sticking my tongue out at a coworker) or taking girls to the zoo for fun.

Love: Being a kid! I don't want to grow up. Although I told DH earlier today that I feel more "grown up" because having a kid is more responsibility, and I equate responsibility with "growing up", I guess.
Hope: I memorize all Kiddo's books and can recite them from memory!
Do: Need to get a few more books. Perhaps I'll just add them to the wishlist!