Monday, May 10, 2010

Slobber Mouth fuss face..

Our slobbery-mouthed fuss-face must be teething! He suddenly likes chewing on fingers (more than normal) and doesn't mind ice cubes. Maybe this means one day he'll join the average baby-his-age and have a tooth or two!

Overall he's still doing well. Tonight he fell asleep on his belly before we put him to bed. He's list of foods is growing, although ever so slowly. I didn't realize that babies only have about 10 foods to start with. All these crazy things only mothers know!

Speaking of Mothers.. I enjoyed my first mother's day. I went to yoga and my DH made me a nice dinner. We even got a bit of shopping in, which included buying an upgraded car seat for bug! And by "buying" - I really mean spending the last of our "free money" from baby showers and the like. We don't make our way to BRU often, and didn't realize the gift certificate still had over $100 on it!

So, that's the peak in my (our) life for today. Not too exciting in my book. I could tell you about how 113 degrees in our server room at work almost caused us to be out of work for the day, or how a late afternoon meeting led DH to getting in the house before me by a few minutes - - but the baby stuff is usually a little more interesting and exciting.

Love: Peaceful time after kiddo falls asleep in the evening.
Hope: to see some teeth soon!
Do: Get at least one thing accomplished every day this week. Today: Going through a long over-looked stack of mail!