Monday, May 31, 2010


Every once in a while, I will catch a phrase. Maybe I'm walking by someone, or maybe the TV is on in the background. For some reason, this is a phrase that I had to "write down" recently: maximizes palette pleasure.

I'm not quite sure why it is cooking shows are on in our house so frequently - we rarely have a "fabulous" home-cooked meal! I guess at some level, we hope they provide some kind of inspiration.

So, my palette's pleasure was recently maximized by... a sweet potato. Love the way restaurants get them to be so tender! Add a little cinnamon and sugar and I'm in heaven. I had to share my recent one with Mark. Next time, perhaps he will be getting his own!

Love: Conversations that are "over heard"; Boy, I hate to admit I'm so nosy... but yes, I am.
Hope: I hear another interesting phrase to report back on soon!
Do: Still need to get some "target" like items; perhaps I'll visit the target closer to my work!