Tuesday, February 15, 2011

30 days... Can I do it?

I saw a 30-day picture challenge, and I thought, "can I do it?"

So, over the last few days, I've been "preparing" so perhaps I can actually do 30 blogs in 30 days.

At one time, I thought about starting in March - after all, it would be MUCH easier if I could correspond the day to the blog number - but I've decided that it can't wait!

So... Here you have it. The beginning of the 30 day challenge.

Day 1: A picture of yourself with 10 facts.

I opted to start with 2 pictures! Does that make me ahead of the game? Probably not. After all - the 3065 picture is fairly old (Feb 2007).

3065 was my "number" the very first time I ran a marathon. One of the most memorable experiences of my life - right up there with giving birth!

The official challenge says I must also provide 10 facts. My blog readers could probably all easily and quickly ramble off facts just from my daily ramblings (such as, I like Starbucks, I like Socks, I like to shop, I have a Kiddo, I've ran a marathon, I talk about myself in 3rd person sometimes, I have a DH, I study too much, I have two dogs, and I try to be positive most of the time). After thinking about it for a couple of minutes (I do have to study tonight at some point!) I've decided I can either offer 10 "other" facts... or perhaps it would be easier just to elaborate on the above 10 in some quirky way. So, yep, elaboration is the route I'm going with today's post.

I like Starbucks. Although I rarely order the same thing twice most places, I have a specific Starbucks drink. Tall Chai Latte with soy - 5 weight watchers points, and worth every single point. In fact, I've decided lately that if I get one on my way to work on Wednesday morning, before my weigh-in, that it might (only might!) make the weigh-in just a teensy bit more tolerable. Of course, my 2nd favorite Starbucks Opportunity is in an airport!

I like Socks. A friend once made me hand-made socks, and I love them! I divide my sock drawer into categories- warm/fuzzy socks (one of my favorites), "work" appropriate socks for the days I need to be "boring", toe socks (which may be the biggest section), running socks, and everything else. It doesn't always stay divided, but it at least starts that way. I also always put my socks together - and loose socks that I've lost the mate for go to the "sock graveyard" (which is a term that Kate with the 8 kids or whatever also uses - I found out it was not an original term while searching on the internet, and I was bummed!)

I like to shop. Lately, I've done most of my shopping online. This week alone, I've probably made 4 online purchases. I try to "curb" my spending habits most of the time - but I do love to get a good deal! I also pay all my bills online (which isn't exactly shopping, but it does eat into the cash available to shop!) When I go to a mall, my favorite thing to do is to "walk" the entire mall. Start on the first floor, go to one end, go upstairs, walk to the other end, go downstairs, then return to the start. Even if I don't walk in every store- I like to at least walk past every store. It gets a little bit of exercise in, too! When I was pregnant, I was too tired to finish a complete lap on several visits, which was discouraging!

I have a Kiddo. When I started dating my husband, I told him every day, "I want one." Since October 2009, I've been a proud mama. Just having kiddo around is helping teach me to be a more patient person. It's also teaching me about love. Are there more in my future? I get asked that question often - and I guess you'll just have to "stay tuned" to the blog to find out!

I've ran a marathon. Scratch that, I've completed two marathons! I didn't "exactly" run the whole thing (either time), and shockingly - even after a 2nd year of training - the times over 26 miles were within 1 minute of each other (and it took me over 6 1/2 hours each time.) The experience definitely "made" me a runner. I still can't run non-stop - and pushing a stroller is still hard! I also like to have upcoming "events" to keep me honest, and planning/preparing. But running is probably still my current favorite form of exercise (outside only- no treadmills, thank you!) Even though my first marathon number (3065) will be engraved in my head forever, I have no idea what my number was when I ran the second marathon. And a few friends and I were talking about how few people run 2 marathons- people run 1 marathon, or regularly run marathons - but those who have run 2 marathons are probably not common. Hmm - I guess only 1% or so of the population have ever even run 1!

I talk about myself in 3rd person sometimes. Yes, Rebecca. Although these are not necessarily always conversations with myself, I do find myself babbling in third person on occasion. And sometimes, I don't even notice I'm doing it!

I have a DH. Happily married, and a lucky girl. Even if we don't watch or like the same television shows.

I study too much - at least, that is what I think. The last several "failed" attempts seem to suggest otherwise. The fact that I'm writing a long blog when I should be studying also is beginning to suggest otherwise!

I have two dogs. My puppies (age 11 and 6) are awesome. Kobe is my agility champion, and Katie is a squirrel chaser. I always thought Kobe would be better with a kiddo - and it is Katie who adores Kiddo.

I try to be positive most of the time. I feel like by keeping postiive, that it will hopefully bring out smiles and/or positivity in others. I admire others who have this positive quality - and can think of two or three people who remind me of "Polyanna" on a regular basis.

For day 1... that's all folks!

Love: Challenges!
Hope: I finish (and find the appropriate picture) for each of the 30 days... even if it takes me longer than 30 days to complete!