Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Challenge - Day 9

A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

For today's picture, there are several people who came instantly to mind. There are several friends, for example, who helped me "survive" divorce. There's my college friends who helped me through a tough freshman year. There's my "BBS" friends who helped me survive an awkward coming of age. Only a couple of people came quickly to mind as helping me through one (or more) tough situations. There's my mom, who helped with divorce, freshman year, and many other things I am sure I have long since forgotten.

At the end of the day, however, there is only one person with whom I share my bed. The same person who came to a marathon to cheer for me. The person who survived a "pregnant" version of me, and coaxed me through an entire labor and delivery. This person faithfully reminds me - daily - that I am loved. He travels by my side to far-a-way places. On a lovely September day, he rode beside me on a bicycle for 100 miles. Only one person comes to mind for encouraging me to be a better version of me.

Love: DH
Hope: He continues to get me through the tough times to come!
Do: Figure out how to prevent kiddo from standing on the couch!