Friday, February 4, 2011


If you are a boy, and think by "Draft" I am talking about sports... Think again!

Nope, I'm talking about all the "Drafting" I do. I draft emails, and then save them.. so my "draft" box has lots of information in it!

Today, I found myself drafting the question I was asking a vendor, the response I was sending to my coworkers, and a blog.

I put recipes in a "Draft" so that they are saved and easily accessible.

I have an email to myself called "ONGOING NOTES" that I keep in my email inbox - yep, you guessed it, as a draft.

I guess it is my way of reading... and re-reading... and re-reading (with the re-reading happening as many times as necessary for me to gather the courage to either hit the send or the delete, depending on which is appropriate).

Although I guess for some "Draft" emails (those to myself, for example), they may stick around for a while.

When I was pregnant, I had a "draft" email where I obsessively kept track of other pregnant women's due dates, the date their kids were born, and the names. I'm not quite sure what happened to that one, but now (almost two years later) It's not around anymore.

Wow - almost two years exactly. I found out I was pregnant on Valentine's Day of 2009.

Anyhow.. My current "Draft" emails include a listing of places that have a "kid's eat free" one night of the week, and the corresponding night. I have a "daycare" draft email with names and email addresses of kiddo's parent's friends. I have a "draft" email of possible blog topics, and another draft of Christmas Gifts. There is a draft of my running "event" official times that I can refer to, and a draft of Oscar nominated movies that I want to see. My "regular" email in-box is up to 31 at the moment (although I typically try to stay under 20!). I think I'm fairly close to 20 for my work email!

Love: I guess I like to Draft!
Hope: Those "draft" emails don't get lost somewhere along the way- I rely on them way too much!
Do: Check into the camera this weekend. Posts without pictures get a little boring. I had to take a "mental" snapshot this evening when my boys were "posed" at bedtime with the dog!