Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy  Thanksgiving!

This year, we're turning a little left of tradition.  Instead of enjoying a big turkey on our table, our small nuclear family will be tasting- for the first time- Kangaroo.

It's an idea that started with hamburgers made of bison and elk at our regular grocery store.  That led us to the Meat House, a local butcher shop.  The obvious step- try some sort of new and exotic meat.  And sure, why not kangaroo!

I miss being around family for this particular holiday.  It seems the last week or so, I've had many reminders of my dad.  He was always the one in our family who wouldn't eat Turkey on thankgiving, since he was forced to eat his friend, "Red" one year and was very sad about it.  I can't recall how many thanksgivings we heard the story of Red.

Even though I won't be seeing and spending much time with family this thanksgiving, I have much for which to be thankful.

A husband whom I adore.
Two beautiful, healthy, mostly happy children.
My mother - who I am fairly sure is my biggest fan.
A slue of inlaws - who graciously accept me into the family with open arms.
My sweet, caring brother and his gracious wife.
My sister, who has had a rough life.
There are neices and nephews, and plenty of friends.
I'm thankful for my health, even if I do need to lose a few pounds!
My running shoes keep me moving, even when I would prefer to throw them across the room.
My neighbors
My job and my co-workers - I am grateful for employment that is fulfilling and interesting.
The out-of-doors, where I can replenish my inner peace
My puppies, who really aren't puppies any more.
Playing scrabble online, even if it is called words with friends.
Black Friday shopping.  It's a sad obsession.
My camera.  Another obsession.
Several others I'm sure I've forgotten....