Thursday, January 21, 2010


The best news I heard all day was a dear friend of mine, Jody, is participating on the Amazing Race with her daughter! I've admired Jody from afar for a while. I was an avid reader of her daily blog. I am constantly inspired by her adventures. She's always been a star to me - - and now she'll be a star to the whole world! To top it off, today is her 72nd birthday, so it seems appropriate to blog about her today! She is the one who inspired me to attempt keeping up with a daily blog. I am lucky to know Jody in real life - - - and now, all watchers of the Amazing Race will be lucky enough to know her from afar!

Here is where you can meet her, and her granddaughter Shannon:

Starting February 14th, help me root them on! Even though in real time, the race is over - I can't wait to watch them compete! I even offered to be a founding member of the "Jody" fan club...

Today: I'm thankful for television entertainment!