Wednesday, January 27, 2010


There's just something about germs that my head can't wrap itself around. I guess that's because what germs look like in my head could probably never be transferred to paper to do it justice. I don't even think I could manage to put the inside of my head on paper if I had some crazy artistic talent (which I don't).

It's amazing how they take over, too. First the baby. Next, me. And finally, DH. Is it just a 24 hour thing? A weekly thing? How will it impact each of us differently?

A coworker today suggested that I look like I have pink eye. Add that to the two boxes of tissues I've been through in the last two days (and my general lack of energy)... and yep, I'm a bit under the weather. Stupid germy-germs.

I've washed my hands in hopes that I'm not sharing with those who don't want to get it. Using kleenex, sneezing in my elbow, all those kinds of things. I have a filing I'm working on this week, and I'm not supposed to be sick! Ah well, at least Game 1 of the Olympics went relatively smoothly at today's work event! Although one of our crew was sick, poor fella. He'd put a lot of work into helping with the presentation and everything!

Today: I'm thankful that not everything in my head can be transcribed onto paper. Boy, it might be dangerous if it could! I'd have to make everyone remove all paper from their house before I could visit, and I would only be able to go to restaurants that use cloth (not paper) napkins.