Saturday, January 9, 2010

Brief Update - Life in General

We're on another trip - and yesterday was a bit rushed, so sorry for not having a blog to share!

We made it, with baby, to Austin - and this time, we have the laptop in tow!

We're looking forward to visiting old friends, sharing some good meals, and generally a weekend of fun. However, we are admittedly a bit worn out from travelling over the holidays, still.

The Little Man is doing just fine! Last night, we made it to our destination without waking the puppies or the people in the house where we are staying. Baby has been good so far, even though he's not wanting to settle into a nap.

It's COOOOLD here, but not much different than our home in Cary.

So, what's in store for the weekend?

Who knows. But hopefully lots of bloggable stories! Stay tuned... I may update again before we leave Austin!

Today: I am thankful for good friends providing a warm bed to weary travelers last night!