Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Chocolate marshmallow Dresses

I've been thinking about Chocolate Marshmallow Dresses all day.

Sometimes I try and remember things by cramming words together. Today, I wanted to remember to post about Chocolate, Marshmallows, and Dresses. Dresses doesn't really fit in with Chocolate and Marshmallows, but that's what's on my mind today.

You see, I wore a dress today. For the first time since I had the baby. Now that Kiddo is totally weaned (and I don't have to worry about nursing or pumping), I can wear a dress again. It was so nice. Nobody else probably noticed or cared, but I actually like wearing dresses. I'm not liking my post-baby body, yet, but I can work on that still. And at least I was able to fit into one of the dresses I like. It was like having a new wardrobe. Speaking of which, I suppose before too much longer I should probably be officially "fit" for a bra again, to see where I am currently and to get some new bras (that aren't nursing bras!) in the correct size. But I digress.

I heard on the radio this morning that today is National Chocolate Day - or even International Chocolate Day. That's reason enough for me to eat a piece of fudge, and a dark chocolate covered orange. Of course, who needs a reason when it's chocolate? I heart chocolate. Especially dark chocolate. Oh yeah, I posted about Shocolate just the other day, I remember now.

And then there were Marshmallows. I don't know why I'm a candy person. I think if I were given my choice between a mini candy bar and a cookie, I might actually go for the mini candy bar. Especially for the same calories. I love candy. Do marshmallows qualify? The other day, DH suggested that Marshmallows were candy. And since then, I've been wondering -- what exactly is the definition of candy? How is it different than cookies, cakes, and other sweets? How do those decadent chocolate desserts at restaurants fit in? What about Chocolate Mousse and Creme Brulee, my other two favorite desserts?

Enough talking about food - - I'll go to bed with a sugar hangover from just thinking about too much sugar!

I'm overdue for a picture, but I'm lazy. Maybe tomorrow.

Love: Candy. Marhsmallows. Lately, I've been doing S'mores without the chocolate - - marshmallows on graham crackers in the microwave. YUM.
Hope: To get a little bit more studying in tonight. I'm pleased that I've put in some time, already, and I'm actually using the computer for a "break" and not an excuse... this time!
Do: Enjoy visitors. I enjoy when they come, and I enjoy when they leave.