Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Term Paper

No, I'm not in college anymore. But for work this week, I definitely feel like I'm writing a term paper. Which means writing anything else seems like a chore.

Although at least with a blog, I don't think, rethink, over think, and then think some more. How to word things, what to avoid saying, what verbs to use. Blech. I'm not quite done, but I'm approaching the 10 page mark already! Just two more days this week and hopefully I'll be done. If not... well.. more to do this weekend. I've also got an overnight trip that's in a nearby city, which should be interesting. I've been helping prepare data for multiple presentations that will be given for that event!


Okay, enough work. Of course, I brought work home, and I've got studying to do- which feels like work, to.

Love: Writing and putting some analysis in writing
Hope: After this week I don't have to work quite so hard- at least for a bit!
Do: Need to get cracking! And get a higher score in my favorite FB game..