Saturday, July 3, 2010

A tooth?

As with all babies, some things come earlier and some things come later as all kiddos develop differently. By 8 months (almost 9), most kiddos have at least one tooth. Our kiddo is on the verge of breaking his first tooth, though - - and I say it finally broke through on July 1st. You can just BARELY see it - - but we finally had to break down and get some orajel, and after 2 nights of being up in the middle of the night and crying in pain, I am hoping the worst of it has passed.

Today, we had super-happy kiddo (even though there was no napping) as we made like tourists and visited the Duke Homestead and Bennet Place, where one of the peace treaties of the civil war was signed.

Love: Being a tourist in and around our "home" town!
Hope: Less crazy toothing in the future
Do: Need to get a picture of the tooth as it grows in so I can show it off, at least a little!