Monday, July 12, 2010


Kiddo is learning to feed himself.

He doesn't do it all the time, and he hasn't yet "mastered" the skill, but it's such a huge leap - - I thought we'd have to spoon-feed him for the rest of his life!

It's fun to watch him try. He's a little awkward. Often, the food makes it out of his hand, down his front, out of the high-chair, and somehow ends up in the dog's mouth. But once in a while, the food lands in his mouth. And sometimes, his mouth is so full of food that I begin to wonder if he's a chipmunk, his cheeks are so full! Yesterday, there was food on the roof of his mouth that was "stuck".

And another thing about eating... Kiddo loves his food - but almost better than food is water. Who knew someone could be SO EXCITED about something as simple as water? He loves it. He gets whole-body-happy when we offer him a drink. He likes it in sippy cups, or through a straw at a restaurant. He likes it straight from the cup, or straight from the bottle. Any way about it, the kid likes his water. Better than milk, better than food, better than ... you get the picture!

Love: Kiddo becoming a teensy bit more independent. Slowly but surely!
Hope: Kiddo continues to love water - and simple things in life - for his whole life!
Do: Need to take a lesson from kiddo, and drink more water!