Thursday, July 1, 2010

On the mend...

When you blow a button, it's an unfortunate and typically an isolated event. You borrow a sewing kit from a coworker, hopefully learn your lesson and bring a needle and thread to work, and move along.

When you pop two buttons - one on your pants and one on your shirt - over a one week time period, your clothes are conspiring against you and simply telling you "enough is enough!"

So, perhaps I'll learn the lesson this time: 1) I need to lose some weight, even my clothes agree! and 2) bring a sewing kit to work!

Thanks to my "office mom" for taking care of me - on both button blow-outs!

Love: I'm having a pretty good week at work!
Hope: I can go a week without any more button blow-outs!
Do: Need to go to bed early tonight!