Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just me?

Is it just me, or has this week lasted FOREVER?

I woke up on Monday morning (because my husband informed me it was 30 minutes later than I usually get up), and my first thought was, "today is Sunday."

Then, all day today, it has totally felt like a Friday. I told a coworker I was up for studying tomorrow (and then had to backtrack when she said, "on a Friday?")

Ugh. As DH so eloquently put it- perhaps on Saturday, I'll think it's friday and be glad to have the day off. Hmm.

On another note, I feel like the argument with DH on which day is the last/first of the week has been resolved. You see, the weekend includes Sunday - and therefore, by default, Monday is clearly the first day of the week!

Love: Weekends. Perhaps that's why I want it to get here so fast?
Hope: Tomorrow isn't as crazy as the rest of this week!
Do: Get to tally some votes, now that last week's "tooth" post finally made it onto FB!