Friday, April 27, 2012

The Flying Biscuit

Although this is another place we've only been to twice, in total, it's a place I like. Why? They serve this apple butter for their biscuits (which is more like a spicy rasberry sauce) that is very yummy! And on a recent visit, as I was nursing at the table, a mom walked by and, while doing a major fist-pump in the air, shouted, "Nursing Mom's Unite!" Maybe a little embarassing, but she was likely only one of a handful of people that saw me nursing. It seems that no matter whether I'm covered or not, there is something that seems unnatural about nursing in public. Now, I know I shouldn't feel this way - and clearly, I'm not one of those nursing moms who brings a bottle with me in public even though I'm nursing- but I still feel just a little odd about it.