Tuesday, April 10, 2012


The concept of "love" has been on my head a lot lately, so I thought if I interrupted the monthly store/shopping postings with a "love" post, that maybe I could move on and stop obsessing on the topic.

Why the topic of love?

Well - truth be told- it started with our most recent book club. One of the women said something to the effect that she just couldn't believe that someone could experience life without "that kind" of love (the romantic, over the top type of love that was in the book).


I guess I'm not romantic. Or perhaps - as a second wife - I've become somewhat jaded about love. Maybe it has something to do with my analytical side. I'm not quite sure.

What I do know is that my view of love isn't very romantic.

I love my husband dearly - and he knows it (trust me, he is a confident man!).

My idea of love, though, isn't something over the top - - like other aspects of my life, I feel like I'm pretty practical and down-to-earth about the whole topic.

For example... he asked what I wanted for Valentine's day. I told him I really wanted a card. What did I get? A card. He also probably got me flowers... but I asked for (and received) exactly what I wanted.

Just about every week, for as long as I can remember, we've done some type of outdoor adventure at least once a week. (Lately, it seems like it's every day with Kiddo's constant, "I want to ride bikes.") For me, there is love in the simple act of spending that time together (which now is as a family). Even though he may run off in one direction while I push the kids in a stroller another direction, or vice versa - - we make that journey together. When we're not doing something outdoors, we're always planning our next adventure. To me? That's definitely love.

Other places I find and see love? When he mows the grass or cooks a "fancy" dinner. When I let him sleep in on a Sunday morning, since he gets the kids ready most mornings. When we are sitting on the floor, playing trains with the two year old. Or even during nap times, when we're both reading a book and sitting on the same couch.

Perhaps I'm practical to a point, but my view of love is definitely not the type of relationship you'll find in an average romance novel. But... it works for me. for us. And I wouldn't want it any other way.