Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ice Cream!

In a switch-up from what I've been posting most of this month, I thought today's post would be about ICE CREAM!

What makes it a switch-up? I'm posting about a whole topic - and many places - rather than one specific place. It seems that every community has some kind of "special" place that is local. Here's a few that come to mind:

Amy's - in Austin

Ted Drewe's - in St Louis

Goodberry's - in Raleigh/Cary

Braums - this is my go-to place in Wichita; it helps that my SIL works there so our icecream is (almost) always free (actually, complements of my brother and his wife.. since she gets a discount there!) This was also a great place to visit on the drive between kansas and texas! DH is much more of an ice-cream guy than I am. His favorite? Blue Bell. Before we moved from Austin, we visited/toured the Blue Bell Creamery. Recently, on our way home from a trip to the beach, we passed by a sign that said it was coming to this area. Within 3 hours of seeing the sign, we were enjoying blue bell at home! And by Ice Cream, I mean anything frozen. So for anyone who wants to point out that some of these are custard places, or frozen yogurt, and not ice cream.. it's all the same to me. Again, I'm not as much of a frozen treat/ice-cream person as the hubs!