Saturday, February 11, 2012

Socks - Day 11

Although I know several people who knit, I only know a handful who knit socks.

I was fortunate enough to receive these handmade socks from a very dear friend of mine!  She not only does stuff with yarn, but her real passion (I think) is fabric.  She's made some beautiful things, from quilts to toy bags to coffee mug rugs! (I didn't know what a coffee mug rug was until she started making them - and I find the concept fascinating!) These are definitely one of my favorite pairs.

Another bonus about the hand-crafted socks?  They remind me of my grandmother, who used to crochet booties. I remember seeing all her booties, and even owning several, as a kid. In fact, I'm sure I could dig out a pair that I still own that she made me once - although I will admit, I have probably not worn them in 10 years or more!  It's something that's hard to give up, though, since they remind me of her - even though she passed away while I was in high school!

That particular grandmother also always gave socks away for Christmas. I think she bought out cheap sales or something, because I got the same pair of speckled socks at least two years in a row when I was between the ages of 8 and 15.  And I would bet that every female in the family (maybe 20 of us?) all got the same two pairs os socks.  If it wasn't the speckled variety, it may have been the solid yellow/gold pair.  I'm pretty sure, though, that these socks are gone now- but only because I wore holes in them!

One of my favorite sock-related jokes?  "Are you religious?  Your socks sure are holy!"