Thursday, February 2, 2012

Socks - day 2

Today, it's AGILITY SOCK day!  In fact, I've sort of organized my socks in alphabetical order (with a small exception for Valentine's day).

But back to agility socks.  The first pair, I got at a dog agility show.  These are not socks you can find just anywhere, but socks that- at the time I got them - combined two passions: Socks (duh!) and Agility.  I recall wearing them (sometimes with one or two more pairs of socks, depending on the weather) for many dog shows!  Now, I wouldn't call them lucky, per se. For me to be "lucky" in agility would require that I put more effort into the sport.  My dog Kobe and I just did agility for fun.

In Agility, there are typically 3 levels.  You start with the other new dogs, move into the mid-range, and typically move to the top category.  We spent a whole lot of time in that mid-range!  I'm talking about maybe 3 or 4 years, doing up to 7 dog shows per year!

So what's our "Agility" claim to fame?  Kobe and I were at a dog show with one of the top dogs in the nation.  Although I'm not sure we won first place - I do recall, for certain, that we BEAT "that" dog (a black and white, over-sized Border Collie who had been to the AKC National Championship and belonged to Gerry Brown).  It was the highlight of our agility career, because it reflected our personality, and my strong view of agility.  What's my view of agility?  If it's not fun - for you and the dog- it's not worth it!
There are a couple of days where I have more than one pair of socks on a particular topic, and Agility Sock Day happens to be one of those days!  So- enjoy this pair of agility socks!  These are more run-of-the-mill dog socks, so they were certainly easier to find (which also, likely, meant cheaper).  The random thought for this pair?  They are actually a kid's pair of socks, since I have smallish feet.