Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Socks - Day 15

And now, one of my "new" sock discoveries.  For lack of a better term - these are "mitten" socks!  In some ways, I like them more than Toe Socks (if you can believe that!)  Why?  They are actually (to me) warmer - since your little toes are still in a traditional "sock" cover, and it's just your big toe that gets it's own pockets.  That means they are also great for wearing flip flops!

This particular pair is also from the San Francisco pier 39 sock shop.  Purple is definitely my favorite color, but I think teals come in a close second!  Come to think of it, these are probably not the only "mitten socks" I've got on the list for posting this month.

If I were forced into choosing my top 5 pairs of socks - I think these may just make the list.  Now, I am fairly certain I wouldn't be able to put them in order... but at least on the list!