Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Socks - Day 8

When I was on the crew team in college, 6am on the water was often cold. Bitterly cold. Particularly the November morning when the boat dumped us out (luckily, close to the dock). I'm certain I'm to blame for that particular incident, but I digress...

So these socks - from LL Bean - have also been around since college, and provide awesome memories. They are one of few "sized" pairs of socks- so they "fit" to my small feet.

Did you notice the hole? Since these are perhaps one of the more expensive pairs in my collection - - and I still wear them on occasions that require me to be outside in the winter - I have worn them less recently. (This winter has been too mild, so it doesn't really count!)

They have come in handy on several other cold occasions- such as skiing with the family in Colorado, and those early mornings at dog agility shows.

The day will come when I have to get rid of - or replace - this particular pair. That day won't be in the near future. I guess I'm a girl who is too sentimental about her socks. But I guess I'm also the girl who is posting about socks every day this month, so you probably knew that already.

But back to the crew team in college, for a moment.  That experience was - definitely - one of the more defining experiences in my life.  I had more than my share of "incidents" - from leaves stuck on the rudder making me fairly unable to steer - to an actual "crash" when warming up for a race, that left the person in the front (bow) of the boat trapped between two oars (very scary!)... I learned a ton about teamwork, confidence, and athleticism.  The athleticism push didn't take hold until several years later- but I'll probably digress more about that when get to my running sock collection!