Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Socks - Day 29

These are my "yoga" socks.

Although I'd like to say I go to yoga regularly - with two kids under three and a full time job (at least, when not on maternity leave) - I don't always make the time like I should! When I only have a handful of hours per week to myself, I must choose between blogging, running (which I hope to get back to soon!), yoga, reading or book club, and the multitude of other things I enjoy doing "solo" (like pedicures!).

At one point in time, I was a regular yoga girl! I really enjoyed doing Ashtanga classes in Texas, and luckily moved to a home in NC that is literally walking distance from one of the few yoga studios in North Carolina that offers Ashtanga! The classes here are not as exciting (they do not offer, for example, "yoga tea" at the end of class like my favorite Austin yoga studios!)

With both kids, I've also done some prenatal yoga. Although it is much less intense, it has helped me find the time and space for peace and tranquility that "everyday life" doesn't always hand me on a plate.

Although the physical stretching and flexibility part of yoga are great for the body - the part I've always enjoyed is the more "spiritual" part.

With the yoga classes, I've learned a bit more about the "art". In Ashtanga, for example, there is a "chant" in sanskrit that is stated before each class. Yoga also often incorporates the concept of "Chakra" - from the Hindu and/or Buddhism tradition - which are 7 "focal" points within the body. Perhaps my favorite concept, however, is drishti - which means "vision" or "insight" in Hindi - and is the concept of "focus" - whether it's closing your eyes to focus on one of your seven chakra within, or focusing on the wall in the room and/or your "third eye."

Most people do yoga with bare feet. Once in a while - I prefer socks.

And now, my friends and readers, you have my sock drawer and my life in socks. If you've made 29 days worth of socks part of your regular reading, I applaud you! I also assure you that next month (March) will be different. Although some blogs might be featuring "March Madness" for the month - I'll be featuring my "real" life. That is - now a mom of two - I will be posting and blogging more about my recently expanded family - including all of the crazy details you may (or may not) be interested in about the birth, nursing, and - perhaps - a few Wordless Wednesday's to make sure new baby can be enjoyed by all!