Monday, March 12, 2012

Adapting to Mommyhood

Two kids is tougher than I expected.

Many days, it's mostly a mental game (and we already knew I am a little insane..)

I can't get Kiddo a snack while nursing. Or change the channel (easily), or start a craft activity... and very few things capture kiddo's attention for 20 minutes or more (the time it takes to nurse/diaper/etc the baby, most of the time).

The laundry is ridiculous. Kiddo is potty training, and Baby G has taught us about how you can make milk come through your nose and mouth at the same time... which means we dirty laundry at an alarming pace!

Finding time to do even little things (brush my teeth! Take my medicine!) is sometimes hard, when trying to manage yet another schedule - and a demanding one, at that!

Very few days, so far, have I thought, "maybe I can do this." More often, it's a day of what I forgot/neglected for the day - - and most days, it's neglecting something for myself.

Although DH is great with Kiddo, he and Baby G are also still figuring each other out. Most days, they do OK - but Baby still prefers mommy's smell/arms/milk... which, for Mommy, can be a bit intense. Baby still has only had a couple of bottles, also, so that makes it slightly tougher on dad, also.

Perhaps I'll post more on this topic closer to the end of the month - and hopefully, at least some of these things will work themselves out. And some things are beginning to get a bit easier. For example, Baby is sleeping much better at night- and some nights, Daddy doesn't even notice that mommy is getting up! She also will sometimes go up to 4 hours without nursing. Every hour - especially at night- counts!

There are also those moments where I'm showered, and have laundry and dishes started before 10am (and it would have been 9am, if not for daylight savings..)

In the meantime - we're all still Adapting. I am thankful it's a bit longer before I return to work!