Saturday, March 17, 2012

Baby and the Car

I guess I've been on a picture KICK lately! Today's picture is a little more disappointing - just baby in her car seat. We (meaning - I) updated the car seat with a "kit". There are a bunch of companies where you get the "item" free (with coupons and/or codes that are widely available and distributed often) and you pay "shipping and handling" - which is a little more than typical shipping and handling - but a relatively cheap option for the various products.

What products do I have in mind?

Seven Slings - I got the Purple sling. Still not sure if I like it - although technically, since I'm up several pounds, it probably isn't exactly the right size. Maybe it will work better once I lose some pounds!

Udder Covers - I have(and used heavily with Kiddo) two of these, and I like them! they stay around your neck, and they have a "window" to baby. They also fold up nicely!

The car seat set/cover comes from Carseat Canopy (or something along those lines).

Overall, fairly good products. DH might not agree - of course, he'd never use the sling or udder cover - but he tends to think the canopy set is somewhat burdensome.