Monday, March 26, 2012

Play Time!

While I've been out of work, we've been taking advantage of as many playdates as possible! Without them, I am certain, I would go crazy!

It's interesting.. Kiddo will ask - by name - for whomever he's last played with. He's a very social kid.

Even daycare has noted that he is considerably less "whiny" since he's been back (after the baby). Based on Grandma's visit, though, I'm not so sure that whining won't be back (with vengeance!) when he returns to daycare full time!

Although physically, he definitely had a growth "sprout" when we had the baby (which may have been more about Mommy and Daddy's perspective than an actual sprout), we've had to take this question and answer and add it to nearly everyday's conversation: "What does whining get you? NOTHING!"

We've played with neighbors and friends and everyone and anyone! We've been on walks, to parks, and had a couple of picnics. Our adventures are necessary events in order to fill Kiddo (and Momma's) need to get out of the house.... as a side benefit, it's been fun and has taken us to places in the area that we don't get to regularly visit!

Only a short time left for these weekday adventures to continue... but we still have weekends!!