Sunday, March 4, 2012


Breastfeeding pretty much sucks. Although in the end- thankfully - I'm not sure it's quite as bad as the being pregnant part!

As with Kiddo, the first couple weeks mean - for me - painful feeding sessions every two hours or so, tender breasts, and nipples that get to be tortured over and over and over again. Kiddo was at least sleeping through the night, more-or-less, by a fairly early age. Baby G has yet to sleep at night! I'm hoping that changes by the time I go back to work.

My first "nursing in public" experience (around 6 days old) was at a museum. I thought I'd have to nurse over lunch - and wound up nursing in the car before going to the museum (so although that was semi-public, I guess I don't count nursing in the car!) I also was in enough pain that Baby G's first visitors (grandparents) were not treated to my usual "modesty" - but had to see more of my chest than I would have preferred. (Some times, you gotta do what you gotta do..)

It's also begun to strike me that if I leave Baby G full time (all day) for the first time in daycare, that means I need several bottles prepped ahead of time. That means pumping - but more on that in a post later this month, I'm sure!